Early Visions | Bay Area 2020: An Infinite Game | Introduction |
Introduction: A List of "Seed Ideas"
We encourage you to engage with these ideas in a way that will help germinate those seeds that have potential to contribute to our collective quest for wholeness.
- We're at an evolutionary choice point — A closer look at Paths A and B.
- Why we're stuck on Path B — We're addicted to our collective patterns of thinking, consuming, organizing, interacting, etc.
- Three fatal design flaws — Our theory as to the root cause of our dysfunctional patterns.
- "Organization monocultures" and our three design flaws — These pervasive design flaws both produce and are reinforced by organizational monocultures.
- Borrowing from Einstein — Getting elevation above our "problem."
- Path A will be fueled from two energy sources — Both will require out-of-box thinking.
- The Bay Area can catalyze an entrepreneurial design renaissance — Silicon Valley brought us into the Information Age. The Greater Bay Area can bring us into an
age of wholeness.
- Emerging dream fragments — Yet to be described seed ideas.
Our commitment over the next 14+ years is to gather and plant more seeds, to attract players committed to nurture their growth, and to do so in a way that eventually evolves into a magnificent rainforest of regional wholeness.
Two reasons why this emerging eBook content will be a bit challenging:
- We've only just begun our 15-year action-learning expedition into unknown territory. This journey can't be mapped in advance. We'll be
co-creating this "guide book" as we go.
- Path A requires a fundamental shift in worldview—new ways of seeing. New territory requires new tools. Adjusting to new lenses and learning new language takes commitment, time and patience.
As a prospective infinite player, we invite and challenge you —
- To reflect on your true work—what is it you came here to do? What is the legacy you want to leave for your children's children?
- To reflect on the lasting difference you want to make through your work for the world.
- To examine these seed ideas and imagine them planted, sprouted and nurtured in that part of our Bay Area watershed home that you might choose to steward.